
June 12, 2023

Hansal Mehta, the creator of the critically acclaimed web series Scam 1992, has created a new one called Scoop. Like Scam 1992, Scoop is based on actual events that happened to well-known journalist Jigna Vora. Jigna Vora’s book “Behind Bars in Byculla: My Days in Prison” served as the inspiration for Hansal Mehta’s creation of this show. Jigna Vora in the series was portrayed by Karishma Tanna. A few of the people whose names were used to base the series receive various screen names in the program.

The focus of Scoop’s narrative is on Jagruthi Pathak (Karisma Tanna), the Eastern Page newspaper’s deputy bureau chief. Having a strong network helps her advance in her career. Jagruthi gets useful information about many crimes from JCP Harshavardhan Shroff (Harman Baweja), with whom she gets along well. Additionally, Jagruthi is supported by her Editor-in-Chief, Imran (Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub), which makes her coworkers envious of her. A renowned journalist working for News Day named Jaideb Sen, also known as Dada (Prosenjit Chatterjee), is assassinated in broad daylight. The central conflict of the series is what transpires after she is charged with planning the murder of Jaideb Sen, an author from a different publisher.

Hansal Mehta has once again outdone himself with Scoop, which is an engrossing piece of content based on actual events. Scoop is based on a book, but it is obvious that extensive research was done before production. Scoop effectively transports us into the world of the media business. The show is successful in showing how journalists obtain exclusive information from cops and gangsters and how this may impact their personal lives.

For showing the Police-Dawood Ibrahim nexus without raising any red flags, the producers deserve praise. We quickly become invested in the series and with the characters because of the excellent world-building. Everyone performed amazingly, and the casting was excellent.

The series’ star Karisma Tanna stands out the most, giving her a role supported by the author and a lengthy character arc. The progression from the self-assured, urban working woman to the defeated and hopeless one is superbly depicted. The scenes near the end are what stick in the mind, even though the actor’s impact as a strong performer is highlighted in many other scenes.

Although Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub plays a supporting role, its significance to the story elevates it in stature. The actors who play the ideal, truth-seeking, fact-sticking journalist do a good job of conveying sincerity. His act is elevated by the honesty that comes through.

The actor Jamini Pathak, who played lawyer Chintan Vashist, was the icing on the cake. Just when it seems like the show is going nowhere, he wows the audience with a fantastic performance. In the final episode, all of the courtroom scenes that involve him are both entertaining and powerful.

The pace of the show slows down in the fifth and sixth episodes, despite the fact that it has a lot of good qualities. The impact is diminished here due to excessive length, so the editing in the last two episodes could have been much better. A certain segment of the audience might find the jail scenes difficult to watch, but they show how the female reporter struggled greatly.

The show sometimes seems to contain a ton of information and technical terms that would be difficult for regular viewers to understand. The family aspect of the Pushkar character could have been completely avoided because it doesn’t add much to the story.

Scoop is an overall compelling depiction of a true crime. Many things are working in favor of the show. Karishma Tanna brings life to the journalist role, and Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, Prosenjit Chatterjee, Harman Baweja, Inayat Sood, and Jamini Pathak support her admirably. After Scam 1992, Hansal Mehta once more demonstrated his mastery. Scoop is a web series worth binge-watching if you could overlook the last two episodes’ slow pacing and the gritty jail scenes. Recommended.

If its on OTT, Raven is always ready to binge on it and give his personal feedback regarding how good or bad is the show. Luckily we have saved lots of hours and trauma due to his strong and harsh feedback feedback.

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