Bloody Daddy (2023), directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and starring Shahid Kapoor in the lead role alongside Diana Penty, Ronit Roy, Sanjay Kapoor, and Rajeev Khandelwal, falls short of expectations with its lackluster execution and uninspiring storyline. The film is a copy of the 2011 French movie “Nuit Blanche” (Sleepless Night), but unfortunately, it fails to live up to the original’s standards.
Set in the backdrop of Gurugram, India, as the country recovers from the second wave of Covid, the movie begins with an encounter that takes place early in the morning. Inspector Sumair Azad (played by Shahid) and his colleague seize 5 kg of cocaine, but their plans are thwarted when Hotelier Sikandar Chowdhary (Ronit Roy) kidnaps Shahid’s son and demands the return of the cocaine for his son’s life.
Though the plot holds potential for an interesting storyline, Bloody Daddy suffers due to its poor screenplay and subpar direction. The movie quickly becomes unbearable, with Shahid Kapoor attempting to channel John Wick-like action sequences. The continuous action scenes, coupled with excessive gore and dizzying camera movements, leave the audience disoriented.
The film’s major flaw lies in its overreliance on showbiz masala rather than exploring fresh and innovative content. It caters primarily to action enthusiasts but lacks substance or entertainment for those seeking a sensible and engaging cinematic experience.
On the performance front, Shahid Kapoor fits the role of a cop with hidden motives convincingly. Ronit Roy and Sanjay Kapoor portray drug lords effectively, while Rajeev Khandelwal’s portrayal of a rogue cop is also convincing. However, Diana Penty feels out of place in her character.
“Bloody Daddy” disappoints on all fronts, offering a convoluted plot, underdeveloped characters, and poor execution. It proves to be a cinematic catastrophe that is best avoided.
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